Before We Leave Torrent Download (v1.0.328) For PC
About Before We Leave
The Story Before Departure is about how humanity has been underground for a long time. But after escaping to the surface of the sun, they must rebuild the civilization anew. However, they can only grow one vegetable from the sources – potatoes. As society grows and develops, settlers will inhabit not only neighboring continents, but planets as well! Starting with the construction of ordinary huts and the first sowing of potatoes, the inhabitants study ancient technologies that will allow the creation of an entire planetary network of human colonies. This will lead to human development throughout the solar system.
While global cataclysms have once driven humans underground, they have never overtaken other planets. Before the settlement of new territories, it is necessary to master their climate and cope with disasters. The only enemy before you leave is nature. No weapons, neighbor attacks, etc. But there are fins of giant whales in space capable of swallowing entire civilizations. The gameplay does not rush anywhere and allows you to engage in the development of the revival of humanity at your own pace. Restore the planets, lead the people to greatness, but fear the ancient guardians – the intergalactic planet eaters.
Game Details
Release: 2021
Developer: Balancing Monkey Games
Support The Developers + Buy The Game Here : Steam
Repacks By : Fitgirl
System Requirements
- OS: Windows 10 (64 bit only)
- Processor: Intel Core i5-4300U or AMD Phenom II X4 975.
- Memory: 4 GB RAM.
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti or AMD Radeon HD 4890.