THE UNIVERSIM Free Download For PC

Sci-fi Space Strategy


THE UNIVERSIM stands as a beacon of innovation, blending elements of god games, city-building simulations, and the exploration of an entire planet. Developed by Crytivo, this unique title takes players on an extraordinary journey, allowing them to shape the destiny of a fledgling civilization from its primitive roots to an advanced space-faring society. Let’s delve into the distinct features that set The Universim apart from the crowded gaming landscape. At the heart of The Universim lies the godly powers bestowed upon players. Unlike conventional city-building games, here, you assume the role of a celestial being known as “The Creator.” This divine entity has the power to influence the development of the civilization by manipulating the environment, guiding the course of evolution, and even unleashing catastrophic disasters. The god-game aspect adds a fascinating layer of depth, making every decision and action feel truly impactful.

Dynamic Planetary Evolution

One of the standout features of The Universim is its dynamic planetary evolution system. The game spans multiple eras, starting from the Stone Age and progressing through various technological milestones. The planet itself evolves alongside the civilization, with dynamic weather patterns, natural disasters, and the emergence of new species. This interconnected evolution creates a living, breathing world that reacts to the player’s choices and adds an element of unpredictability to the gameplay. Inhabitants of The Universim are not your typical city-building game citizens. Known as Nuggets, these intelligent beings have their own needs, desires, and unique personalities. Nuggets form relationships, build families, and contribute to the growth of the civilization. The autonomous nature of the Nuggets means that the player’s decisions indirectly shape the course of their lives, making the game feel more like a dynamic, living world rather than a static simulation.

Resource Management and Civilization Progression

Resource management is a crucial aspect of The Universim, as players must balance the needs of their civilization with the availability of resources. From agriculture to technology, every decision impacts the growth and sustainability of the society. As the civilization advances, players can research new technologies, unlock new buildings, and explore the vast potential of their evolving world. While many city-building games focus solely on the development of a terrestrial society, The Universim takes it a step further by allowing players to explore the cosmos. The endgame involves launching spaceships to explore other planets, unlocking new challenges, and expanding the reach of the civilization across the galaxy. This adds an exciting dimension to the game, offering players a sense of accomplishment as they witness the fruits of their labor transcend planetary boundaries.

Game Details
Release: 2024
Developer: Crytivo


System Requirements

  • OS *: Windows 7 64 bit or Higher
  • Processor: 2.6 Ghz – 4 Cores Mid Range CPU or Higher
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GTX 780/880M/960/1050Ti/1660/2060 or AMD R9 290 / RX 570. Intel Graphics not supported.
  • Storage: 20 GB available space

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